

W hat’s a podcast? A “podcast” is sort of difficult to explain because there really isn’t anything else like it but rather, many things that are  kind  of like it. A good starting point, is to think of a podcast as “Internet Radio On-Demand.” It’s similar in that you can usually listen to it on your computer, but it’s more than that. However, and not to confuse the issue, podcast isn’t confined to just audio but can be video as well. Here is my very own podcast ! Hope you guys enjoy ! Thank you for viewing !~Hope you guys have fun ! :)
ENTRY 4 : Instructional Design Courseware.        Hi there ! Today I going to share a little bit knowledge of mine on instructional design course ware  .Instructional technology is a systematic way of designing , developing, Implementing ,and evaluating the processes of learning and teaching with specific objectives based on research in human learning and communication . It employs a combination of human and non human resources to bring about more effective instruction.
ENTRY 3 : Computer mediated communication and ESL. This week was a fun week ! I have learned something that I knew before and thus it makes it more easier for me . Without any further exaggeration , I would love to share a little bit of knowledge that I have learned on Computer Mediated Communication and ESL . What is a Computer Mediated Communication ? A computer mediated communication ( CMC ) is a process in which human data interaction occurs through one or more networked telecommunication systems. A ( CMC) interaction occurs through various types of networking technology and software . including emails , instant messaging  and mailing . CMC is actually divided into synchronous and asynchronous modes . In synchronous mode , all participants are online at the same time while in asynchronous mode there is time constraints on messages and responses. There are also many advantages to communicate via computer equipment’s. One of it is , it could be a self –...
                Entry 2 : The Evolution of CALL , Search Engines and Online Database.                                Hi there!                  So what have we learned this week is the evolution of call , search engines and online database. Okay firstly we are going to start with CALL. What I understood is , there are three stages in evolution of CALL. Firstly , Behavioristic Call , Communicate Call and lastly Integrated Call.         Behaviorism    • What do you know about behaviourism?    • What are the main principles of behaviourism in language learning?    • From your experience with computers and language learning, how do you think that behaviourism     will affect computer-assisted language programs?           ...
Hi People , I am literally a whole new person in this blogging world. I have never used a blog before thus i hope my blog will interest you time by time .